Tinkering games one byte at a time.

We are a gaming community dedicated to research and development of sandbox experiences.

API Documentation

All of these endpoints are preceded by /api/v1 and accessible from www.metastruct.net.

ADMIN endpoints are reserved for logged-in developers only.

All data is represented in json.

You should probably look at the format of our data via GET requests before touching anything.


Retrieves info about all online Meta Construct servers.


Retrieves all info about add-ons displayed on the site.


Manages creation, modification and deletion of add-ons.

  • Array addons

    An array of add-on entries.


Retrieves the history of Meta Construct, in data form.


Creates new history event entries.

  • Array event

    An array of event entries.


Updates existing history event entries.

  • Array event

    An array of event entries.


Deletes existing history event entries.

  • Array event

    An array of event entries.


Retrieves info about the logged-in Steam user.